The Nicks Mix:  Novels and short stories, comic and cartoon and caricature art, music and musings and a kid's corner--from today and the reflective past.


Scaredy Cat (Jerry)  

I am.  How scared am I?  Well, scared enough to be scared about being scared.  Scared enough to be writing about being scared of being scared.  

Why scared?  For one thing it might be my default state, one with powerful genetic components. I've noticed that in terms of response, my 'flight' is so highly evolved it can usually kick the stuffing out of my 'fight.'  This is especially true where newness is a prime factor.  Just ask my partner, Julie.  She'll concur that new things and challenges can scare me nearly pee-less.  Throw personal responsibility atop newness and train a spotlight--no matter how teeny tiny--on the private me, and we're talking monster scare, gargantuan flight reaction. 

But what type of personal responsibility?  What kind of teeny tiny spotlight?

Okay, is a family creative content site, but it's still spanking brand new, and responsibility for its initial content has fallen on our senior family member--who happens to be me.  It also happens that the senior scaredy cat me happens to have a raft of content in the form of the novel The MacGroon Curse (please refer to home page).  So when we decided to establish our creativity space, we assumed this multi-part, many-chaptered MacGroon story would provide ample content for's infant entrance to Website World.  What we discovered, though, was that other sites display lots of content and more variety than a lone story, no matter its volume.

Ergo varied content need, ergo responsibility.  Ergo scare, gnashing of teeth, and so on.

As to spotlight:  Julie has informed me that in order to share our stuff, I can't entirely let the 'creative' words and pictures--the various 'works' now and in the future displayed here--do all the speaking.  The flight-default me can't cop a plea to remain reclusive, not entirely.  She told me I need to 'tweet'.  That's right, 'tweet.' Me, 'tweet.'

So now I have to think about that.

She also insisted I had to display a non-cartoon picture of myself.  So here it is.  So I've come clean about my fears relevant to this space.

The only other thing I'd like to say is this: "I am not a crook!"  No, wait, that's not it.

What I'd really like to say to anyone who might happen to read this or any other stuff of mine is this:  'I'll always be 'truthful.'

I'd like to say that.  But I'm scared to.


Cool Cat (Julie)

She is.  Julie's not scared a bit.  She loves newness, gets hyped up over change.  Regarding our new venture, Julie has been cool and collected and, without qualms or quavers, she's gone wherever necessary.   She's been unrelenting.  In terms of responsibility, she's shown no fear.  And it has been Julie who's been responsible for the technical expertise required to secure the domain and the site and learn the system and input the images and text onto the pages, to set up links, to figure out all the moves needed so we could together design our site.  It seems that technical challenges, excite rather than scare her.  New stuff gets her geeked.  And as fas as I can tell her 'fight' response is in balance with that of her 'flight' and unlikely to be overpowered.

So it's been my partner's steadfast fortitude that allows for the content here--in whatever light you may view it.

Some guys have a sweetie they call their queen or their goddess or their princess.  I call mine 'Her Geekness.'  Who's no scaredy cat.


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